
It’s 2024, if you don’t follow these sustainable practices you are killing our planet

Ah, Earth Day, that one day a year when we collectively pretend to care about the planet before returning to our regularly scheduled programming of environmental neglect. Anyway, let’s not be too cynical. Earth Day is actually quite important. It’s like the planet’s birthday, but instead of getting presents, it’s more like, “Please don’t destroy me, I’m all you have.” Well, it’s certainly high time to celebrate the earth with some sustainable practices.

Your path to a sustainable future on Earth Day

Earth day
Photo credits: Canva

So why should you care? Well, let me break it down for you. Picture this: Earth is like your favorite cozy blanket, except it’s also the only blanket you have, and you can’t buy a new one because Amazon Prime doesn’t deliver to space. Every action we take, from the food we eat to the way we travel, has an impact on this precious planet of ours. And spoiler alert: we’ve been pretty terrible stewards lately.

But fear not! There is still hope. It’s high time we all get on the sustainability train and start living like we actually care about this big blue marble we call home. And what better way to celebrate Earth Day than by pledging to adopt some sustainable practices?

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Eco-friendly eating and travel tips

Photo credits: Canva

Here are ten suggestions to get you started:

1. Eat your vegetables

Seriously, do you know how much water it takes to produce one chicken burger? Let’s just say, it’s a lot. Embrace Meatless Mondays or swap that chicken curry for some delicious green sabzi alternatives. Your blood vessels and the planet will thank you.

2. Shop local, eat seasonally

Forget jet-setting strawberries from all over the world. Instead, choose locally sourced, seasonal produce. It not only supports your local economy, but also reduces those pesky CO2 emissions from long-distance transport.

3. Reduce food waste

That moldy avocado in the back of your refrigerator? Yeah, it doesn’t do anyone any favors. Get creative with your leftovers, plan your meals and compost your leftovers. Your wallet and the planet will thank you.

4. Get rid of single-use plastics

Sayonara, plastic straws and cutlery. It’s time to invest in reusable alternatives. Bonus points if you carry a nice stainless steel straw and make all your friends jealous.

5. BYOB (bring your own bag)

Plastic bags are so last century. Invest in a sturdy, reusable tote bag and strut your stuff at the grocery store. Plus, every time you turn down a plastic bag like a boss, you feel like an eco-warrior.

6. Embrace public transportation

Your car called and it’s feeling a little neglected. Give it a break and hop on the bus or train instead. Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you’ll also get some excellent people-watching opportunities.

7. Pedal force

Dust off that rusty old bike in your garage and give it some love. Cycling is not only great exercise, but it is also a zero-emission form of transportation. Moreover, you feel like a child again when you stroll through the street with the wind in your hair.

8. Choose eco-friendly accommodations

Gone are the days when a hotel was just a place to rest your head. Look for properties that prioritize sustainability, whether through energy efficient practices, waste reduction initiatives, or a commitment to preserving local ecosystems.

9. Staycation, anyone?

Who needs beautiful international holidays when you have a whole world to discover in your backyard? Embrace the staycation lifestyle and discover hidden gems in your area. You will also save a lot of money and reduce your ecological footprint.

10. Spread the gospel of sustainability

Last but certainly not least: be an advocate for change. Share your eco-friendly tips and tricks with friends and family, support companies that prioritize sustainability, and hold those in power accountable for their environmental impact. After all, we only have one planet; let’s make sure we take good care of it.

So there you have it, folks. Ten simple yet impactful ways to show Mother Earth some love on this Earth Day, and every day. Because let’s face it, we’re all in this together, whether we like it or not. So let’s roll up our sleeves, put on our eco-friendly hats and start saving the planet, one sustainable practice at a time.

Cover image courtesy: Canva