
Embrace sustainability this Earth Day by making the switch to thrifting – The Salvation Army of Canada

At The Salvation Army Thrift Store, Earth Day has special meaning because we are committed to preserving our planet through retail and reuse. Making environmentally conscious choices is paramount.

By choosing to donate and shop at our thrift stores, you extend the life of gently used items, reduce textile waste in landfills and reduce the demand for the production of new clothing. By making second-hand your first choice, you directly contribute to preserving the planet, saving your wallet and caring for your local communities.

Preserving our planet
By donating and shopping at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, you give second-hand items a second chance to be reused and keep them out of landfills. Last year we diverted more than 87 million pounds from local landfills.

Keeping your wallet safe
You can purchase items at a low cost at your local Salvation Army thrift store. This means that you are not only helping to save the planet, but also making a budget-friendly choice.

Caring for your community
Every donation and purchase from our thrift stores supports local Salvation Army programs and services. These include food banks, shelters, summer camps, drug rehabilitation, emergency services and more.

Make Earth Day every day! Join us and make the switch to thrifting for a sustainable, affordable and community-driven lifestyle!

For more information about the Salvation Army’s thrift stores, visit