
Pittsburgh area petting zoo welcomes clouded leopard named Squeaks

NEW CASTLE, Pa. (KDKA) — A Pittsburgh area petting zoo has an adorable new addition.

Living Treasurers Wild Animal Park Moraine shared photos of his new clouded leopard named Squeaks on Facebook.

“The clouded leopard is listed as vulnerable, and although their species is protected, enforcement is weak in many areas. Thanks to facilities and programs like ours, they have the best chance of survival,” the petting zoo wrote in its social media. after.

Clouded leopards live in the cloud forests of Southeast Asia and are one of the oldest cat species, according to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo. They cannot actually roar or purr, making them neither a true big cat nor a true small cat.

There are two Living Treasures parks in the area. The one along Route 422 near New Castle was opened in 1992 by Tom Guiher, according to the website. The park was built to show off its collection of exotic animals, and in 1998 another location opened along Route 711 in Donegal.

The petting zoo at New Castle says there are almost 500 animals, including 70 different species.

People can go to Squeaks on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.