
Avoid a Mealtime Meltdown: 3 Tips for Dealing with Picky Eaters

Help transform your toddler’s eating habits with a new podcast from Bounty Parents and Aptamil Toddler.

Do you negotiate every meal with a little fear, scraping food off walls and floors, only to be met with rigorous head shaking?

Believe us when we say: you are not alone. In children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years, upturned noses and mealtime pauses can become a common occurrence while eating.

As a result, many parents begin to feel defeated when their once adventurous, wonderful little eater begins to wave away familiar foods with a firm “no.”

To help tackle the frustrating problem of picky eating, Certified Practicing Pediatric Dietitian Marianne Tomlin has used her wealth of knowledge about the Bounty Parents and Aptamil Toddler Parenting Podcast, Every parent has a story to tell.

3 expert tips for dealing with picky eaters

Picky eating, especially among toddlers and preschoolers, is a challenge that many families face at some point. The good news is that there are stress-free strategies you can implement to encourage your child to eat a healthy variety of foods.

Speak with Every parent has a story to tell podcast hosts, Julie Snook and Carla Bignasca, in the episode, Tempting picky eatersMarianne Tomlin, a registered practicing dietitian, says the goal for parents dealing with a picky eater is to create a calm and fun eating environment for their child, where they will enjoy trying new foods.

Want to know how to make conditions perfect for your picky eater? Read more…

Eating with your child helps model behavior and makes mealtime more social. (Image: Getty)

Tip #1 Eat together with your child

Marianne’s top advice for parents of a picky eater is simple but effective when it comes to encouraging them to eat a varied diet.

“Eat with your child, it’s so important,” she says. “Even if it is a small amount and you are going to eat your main meal afterwards, eat with your child.”

Tip #2 Involve your picky eater in meal preparation

There are many things you can do to make children part of the meal process, rather than simply putting a plate in front of them and expecting them to eat what is served.

“It could be washing the vegetables, it could be taking the food out of the fridge or taking groceries with us,” Marianne tells podcast co-hosts Julie Snook and Carla Bignasca.

“These are all important ways to expose your child to a range of foods.”

Children are more likely to eat something they helped prepare. (Image: Getty)

Tip #3 Have fun!

When children enjoy mealtime, it promotes a positive relationship with food and encourages healthy eating habits. So Marianne’s third tip is, you guessed it, have fun.

“We don’t have to sit in silence during meals. Have a teddy bear picnic indoors or eat outside, just change the environment and have some fun,” Marianne encourages.

The same food repeated repeatedly can increase the likelihood of rejection. (Image: Getty)

Extra nutritional support for picky eaters

In addition to Marianne’s tips, consider talking to your doctor or nurse about a nutritious milk drink such as AptaGrow, which provides 1/3 of the recommended daily intake of key nutrients* in just 1 serving per day and is designed to support their spoil appetite * *Based on NHMRC nutritional reference values; important nutrients, including iron, zinc and vitamin D.

AptaGrow is a food for special medical purposes. Must be used under medical supervision. Not suitable as a sole source of nutrition, intended to be consumed in combination with a healthy, varied diet.

For more detailed information about Marianne Tomlin’s tips, listen to Every parent has a story to tellthe full episode, Tempting picky eaters.

The above is not intended to replace medical advice. If you have any concerns about your toddler’s diet, health, or nutrient intake, contact a medical professional.

This episode of Every parent has a story to tell is brought to you by Bounty Parents and Aptamil Toddler. Every parent has a story to tell is a new podcast series that aims to provide information and experience for parents from all walks of life. We discuss all the important issues, highs, lows and everything in between, with some well-known and everyday Australian mums and dads, hosted by media personalities and real-life mums, Julie Snook and Carla Bignasca, who will share, learn and discover from our unique yet shared journeys . So what’s your story? Every parent has one.

Every parent has a story to tell podcast episodes:

This is not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider.

Brought to you by Aptamil Toddler