
The fifth generation Idol’s vocals are so beautiful that no video can ever do it justice

You have to go to a live concert to fully experience it!

Recently, an online community post attracted attention ZEROBASEONE Taerae’s great singing.

I love Taerae’s unaccompanied vocals when he sings like this in the rehearsal room. His voice is so powerful and resonates through the room.

His voice exudes a certain atmosphere, especially during live performances.

Taerae singing “Stalker” is just crazy. When I heard this, I decided to think of something…

Most recently, Taerae sang a cover of “Rewrite the Stars”. Music bank in Antwerp and received positive responses from fans.

Netizens agreed that no video could ever capture the true beauty of Taerae’s live singing!

Netizen Comments | Inst
  • “His singing that could take over the great Gocheok Stadium…His performance of ‘Stalker’ was truly legendary.”
  • “Seriously, all videos of concerts are different than listening to his voice in concert. You have to see it live to hear his true singing.”
  • “His ‘Stalker’ performance was so crazy.”
  • “I agree, there are no videos that capture his raw vocals that you can only experience in concert.”

Hopefully Zeroses will all get the chance to experience his live singing in concert!