
Top 5 AI Certifications and Courses Online for Beginners | Technology and science news

According to a report by EY, generative AI could improve the Indian economy by $1.2 to $1.5 trillion by 2030. If you’re interested in AI, consider these best online courses to boost your skills and career prospects in this transformative field.

Generative AI will boost the Indian economy: the best online courses to kick-start your AI career

Over the next seven years, Generative AI is expected to boost the Indian economy by $1.2 to $1.5 trillion, according to an EY report. The report further suggests that if generative AI is fully adopted by India across sectors, it will have a significant impact on the economy by 2030. In this AI era, if you are looking for AI courses To master how AI works or if you are planning further studies in AI, here are some AI certification courses that beginners can opt for online.

How will it help you? Gaining knowledge and understanding of AI can pave the way for rewarding careers in the field. Earning a respected AI certification can set you apart from others in the job market and demonstrate to employers that you have sought-after skills. With a certification, employers are assured that you are familiar with the latest trends and innovations. View the top 5 AI courses here.

Introduction to generative AI

On Coursera, you can sign up for Google Cloud’s Intro to Generative AI. It will explain what Gen AI is and how Gen AI works, and it will describe different model types and applications. The best part is that you can register for free.

Master the basics of AI and Machine learning

Available per LinkedIn to learn. This course consists of 10 short courses led by industry experts, aiming to deepen participants’ understanding of AI and machine learning. The courses explore how AI is transforming businesses and address key issues such as accountability and cybersecurity. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate from LinkedIn Learning. Courses include AI Accountability Training, Machine Learning Foundations, Neural Networks and more.

Artificial intelligence: Reinforcement learning in Python

This course is available on Udemy. This course delves into applying gradient-based supervised machine learning models to enhance learning, covering 17 different algorithms and using the OpenAI Gym toolkit seamlessly. Topics include the relationship between reinforcement learning and psychology, the explore-exploit dilemma, Markov decision processes, and approximation methods using deep neural networks. Requirements include knowledge of calculus, probability, Numpy coding, and experience with supervised machine learning and programming. The course is suitable for students and professionals interested in AI, data science and machine learning.

AI for Everyone by Andrew Ng

This course, available through Coursera, provides a non-technical overview of key AI concepts such as neural networks, machine learning, and data science. Over approximately 10 hours of flexible scheduling, students will learn about the capabilities and limitations of AI, discover opportunities to apply AI in their organizations, and gain insight into building data science and machine learning projects. In addition, the course covers working with AI teams, developing AI strategies and addressing ethical and social considerations related to AI.

Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep learning

This four-course certificate program on Coursera, offered by, provides an 18-hour introduction to TensorFlow for AI, machine learning, and deep learning. The program is aimed at software developers and requires high school level math skills, experience coding in Python, and prior knowledge of machine learning or deep learning is helpful but not required. This course is part of the DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate.