
7 ways to attract beneficial insects and animals to the garden

An important part of creating a healthy, organic garden space is supporting a balanced ecosystem. This is not possible with the use of pesticides and other biocides, because by design they cause an imbalance.

There are insects and small animals that feed on unwanted garden visitors, such as aphids and slugs, so if there are no aphids or slugs through unnatural pest control, those predators won’t come calling. There is nothing for them to eat. Once they leave, the door remains open so the aphids and slugs can enter undeterred.

So the goal, as much as it is to annoy some insects and animals, is to attract the beneficial insects. Our gardens should be filled with helper insects such as pollinators (bees and butterflies), predators (praying mantises and ladybugs) and parasitizers (braconid wasps and tachinid flies).

We should also invite other predatory guests such as snakes, frogs and lizards. How do we do that?

Plant plenty of dill and parsley

Many beneficial insects love dill and other small-flowered plants from the carrot family. It’s great to plant herbs like dill and parsley throughout the garden at intervals to attract them indoors. Similar plants for attracting things like ladybirds, green lacewings, hoverflies and mealybug destroyers (what great names!) are fennel, legumes, mustard and verbena.

Grow early flowering perennials

Where there are flowers, insects are often attracted. Early blooming perennial flowers provide beautiful flashes of color that invite pollinators from the start, and they also provide protective shelter for predatory insects such as ground beetles and spiny soldier bugs. These will help keep the more destructive (in terms of vegetables) insect populations lower.

Grow tall grass and herbs

The entire lawn doesn’t have to be shaved down to the ground, does it? Growing some patches of grass and wildflowers provides the perfect habitat for praying mantises and spiders, large insect predators. It is also a place for garter snakes and other similar animals to find respite from birds of prey.

Throw away the pesticides and be patient

Hopefully there aren’t even chemical pesticides in the mix, but organic pesticides can also disrupt the ecosystem balance. Stopping the use of pesticides will lead to pendulum swings between pests and predators, but it will make the system healthier because it is more diverse overall. This way everyone and everything gets to eat.

Provide water

Every animal and plant needs water, so it is very attractive when a landscape includes a water feature. Sometimes this can be as little as a birdbath or a fountain, but building a garden pond is even better. It provides drinking water for all insects and animals, and it will be a useful habitat for garden friends such as frogs and toads.

Apply thick mulch

Mulch is a great idea in the garden for many reasons. It keeps the soil moist, moderates the temperature, prevents erosion and ensures fertility. A thick layer of mulch is also perfect for beneficial insects and animals to make a comfortable home in the garden. They can always find a comfortable, safe place to rest and there will always be enough food. Everything is possible in the garden!

Build compost piles and other piles

It’s no big secret that insects and animals of all kinds love to find a good pile of something. Compost piles are teeming with microorganisms and animals that do the work of decomposition. But a pile of stones can also attract many animals, just like a good pile of wood somewhere. Create piles in and around the garden so that beneficial animals can find their way to them.

Of course, beneficial animals and insects will be attracted to the garden for the simple fact that it is also a garden. That’s where the action takes place. So growing a beautiful, complete vegetable garden is the best place to start.

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