
Tragic story of ‘grizzly man’ and girlfriend being eaten alive by a bear while filming the whole ordeal

Tragic story of 'grizzly man' and girlfriend being eaten alive by a bear while filming the whole ordeal

The man was killed by the very thing he loved

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Timothy Treadwell was a bear lover and documentary filmmaker and was nicknamed ‘Grizzly Man’ because of his love for the giant animals.

It was no surprise to him to fly to Alaska every summer for thirteen years to camp next to the animals.

But during a year of camping, the worst would happen.

Timothy often played with the bears and even touched them when he visited, mainly because he believed that he himself belonged to the pack and that the animal was misunderstood.

However, he was apparently warned repeatedly by friends and family about the dangers of the bears, but decided to camp with them every year anyway.

But Timothy tragically died when he was beaten to death in October 2003 in front of his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard.

The bear then targeted Amie once it was done with Timothy, who was also killed in the incident.

The attack happened just hours before the couple was scheduled to fly home by seaplane for the winter, and the couple’s air taxi pilot knew immediately something was wrong.

Willy Fulton knew immediately what had happened when he landed in Katmai National Park.

According to the Fulton, he was supposed to find the couple standing on the shore waiting to be picked up, but instead there was an eerie silence and the “meanest looking bear” stood atop a pile of human remains.

Upon further inspection, the couple’s tent was found collapsed and torn next to their evening snack which was unopened.

Timothy was a bear lover.  Lionsgate Movies

Timothy was a bear lover. Lionsgate Movies

A ranger then spotted fingers and an arm in a three-foot mound of grass, mud and twigs, along with some other remains of the couple.

They also found what was left of Timothy’s head, still connected to a small piece of his spine.

The couple always recorded their interactions with bears, and the attack was no exception.

But in the panic, both Timothy and Amie forgot to remove the lens, resulting in six long minutes of disturbing noise from the attack, which were the last moments of Timothy’s life.

In the years that followed, a documentary about the tragic attack was made by Werner Herzog entitled grizzly man, which was compiled from Timothy’s actual video footage of the bears and explored the bear lover’s love of going to the Alaska Preserve every year.

It quickly received critical acclaim, earning a 92 percent Certified Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but the horror of what happened stayed with audiences for years.

Featured image credit: Loinsgate

Topics: Animals, Documentaries, Travel, News