
You messed with the wrong generation called “FANO”

Fano _ Ethiopia _ Politics

By means of Isabel Ze Etiel

In the heart of Ethiopia lies the ancient Amhara region, a land rich in history, culture and tradition. However, behind the beauty of the landscape and the resilience of the people, there has been a struggle for justice and rights for far too long. The Amhara people, one of the country’s largest ethnic groups, have faced marginalization, discrimination and violence, sparking a movement for equality and recognition.

The Amhara people have a long and proud history, with a legacy of emperors, scholars and warriors. Yet in recent years they have been subjected to systemic oppression and neglect, both politically and economically. Land expropriation, lack of access to resources and political marginalization have all contributed to growing discontent among the Amhara people.

The Amhara youth have been oppressed for the past 36 years, as a result of a society that has been held accountable for more than thirty years. Ethiopia’s rulers have blamed the Amhara people for a century, making them targets and victims of structural violence. This form of violence has had a damaging impact on their cultural, economic, political, medical and legal systems, systematically marginalizing young people from government power and other benefits.

After enduring long suffering and victimization, the Amhara community became extinct after the arrival of Dr. Abiy faces direct and structural violence. Many Amhara individuals in different parts of the country, such as Welega in the Oromia region, have been massacred and endangered. Children have been forced to give up their Amhara identity to escape the hands of their attackers in Welega, Oromia. For example, little children named Ayesha Seid said, “Welayah, I will never be Amhara again,” but the killer showed no mercy. The government of Dr. Abiy has intensified the killing and displacement of Amhara like never before. Over the past six years, the Amhara people have been left voiceless, subjected to genocide and neglected in all aspects of the country.

In light of these and other examples, the new Amhara generation has woken up to the hybrid victimhood they face. The rise of a narcissistic dictator, who demonstrates an unreasonably high sense of self-interest, has further oppressed the Amhara youth. In response, they have united under the name ‘Fano’, derived from their ancestors, to defend their oppressed society through resilience and determination. Fano is an Amhara militia group with ethno-nationalist beliefs that emerged as a protest movement. The group has been involved in violent clashes across Ethiopia with the aim of protecting the Amhara community from perceived dangers. Fano has included several units and members of the Amhara Regional Special Forces that have not joined the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF).

Fano fights against the oppressive government to protect their people. Their struggle is centered around the survival of the Amhara community, providing a real reason to oppose Abiy Ahmed’s sociopathic regime. The international community must recognize that Fano’s fight is for survival and to dismantle the genocidal government in Ethiopia. Multilateral organizations should offer their support, challenge government actions, impose sanctions, assist displaced persons, war victims, genocide survivors and people suffering from hunger in the region. There must be pressure on the federal government to address these problems.

In my opinion, establishing a transitional government in the country involving various opposition parties and militant groups, in addition to implementing transitional justice to hold offenders accountable, is essential to bringing justice to the country. The Ethiopian government’s deviation from implementing transitional justice mechanisms could have significant negative consequences for the country’s efforts to address past human rights violations and promote reconciliation. Transitional justice is a crucial process for countries emerging from conflict or authoritarian rule to address past injustices, promote accountability and build trust in institutions. Abiy Ahmed Ali’s government’s failure to prioritize transitional justice could undermine efforts to achieve justice for victims, promote reconciliation between communities, and prevent future human rights violations. Without the right mechanisms in place, there is a risk that past grievances and tensions will continue to fester, potentially leading to further violence or instability.

In conclusion, Amhara youth have endured decades of oppression and victimization and have faced structural violence and marginalization within Ethiopian society. With the rise of a narcissistic dictator, their condition has worsened, leading to massacres, displacement and a voiceless existence. However, the new generation of Amhara, represented by the Fano movement, has risen to defend their people and fight for survival. The international community must support their cause, condemn the government’s actions and provide assistance to those affected. Establishing a transitional government and implementing transitional justice are crucial steps toward justice and accountability. It is time for the world to recognize the struggle of the Amhara people and stand in solidarity with their struggle for a better future.

Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in the article do not necessarily reflect the views of


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