
Have your say in the SA Music Industry Economic Impact Report

BDO EconSearch manager Lisa Carlin said the information they gather will highlight where the challenges lie and give the music industry and MusicSA a place from which to advocate.

“There are opportunities for some, and challenges for others,” Carlin said.

The study will examine employment, household income and gross value that the music industry contributes to the state.

BDO will conduct an online survey among participants from the music industry. The research includes all music consumers, from those who attend live events to those who purchase music online.

Companies are also involved in the research, with BDO mapping the income and expenditure of music venues and retailers and the broader economic consequences.

Carlin said the research “will help us gather the information we need to determine the size and shape of the industry in South Australia”.

BDO will compare the findings with a 2017 SA Music Industry Report, prior to the pandemic.

“We used a similar methodology in that report, so the findings in this report will be directly comparable,” Carlin said.

The comparison will highlight and quantify the post-pandemic shift in the South African music industry.

“The South Australian music industry plays a very important role in the economy and vibrancy of our state, but is often not as visible as other industries,” MusicSA said in its research report.

“Knowing more about our industry in a post-pandemic world can help us all make better decisions and seize opportunities.”

MusicSA is the premier advocacy organization for the South Australian contemporary music industry and commissioned this research in collaboration with the Music Development Office, the City of Adelaide and Festival City ADL.

“As a UNESCO City of Music, music is an integral part of our state’s identity,” Christine Schloithe, CEO of MusicSA said.

Carlin added that the music industry was one of the industries hardest hit during the pandemic.

“The money people have to go to shows just isn’t the same as it used to be,” she said.

In December, CityMag reported the closure of six West End venues in two months, including Fat Controller, Super California, Enigma Bar, 1000 Island, Wnderland and Dog and Duck. Venue owners cited cost of living pressures, insurance prices and high energy costs as key factors.

Port Adelaide nightclub Confession followed suit this month, announcing its closure after just six months of full-time operations.

The Crown and Anchor hotel in Adelaide’s East End, known as the “Cranker”, is the latest live music venue to be threatened – not by financial pressures, but by a proposed 19-storey student housing tower.

As reported by InDailyThe proposal from Singapore-based Wee Hur Holdings involves the demolition of the existing hotel, which has hosted live music for more than 30 years and features performances on most nights.

The development plan has led to complaints about the undervaluation of live music venues and their cultural impact in South Australia.

At the time of writing, a public petition to ‘save’ the Crown and Anchor has surpassed 19,000 signatures.

The BDO EcoSearch survey is open until May 8, 2024.