
How do you know if your liver is unhealthy? Expert shares 10 early signs to look out for | Health Conditions News

According to one expert, the liver stores about 13 percent of the body’s blood supply at any given time and performs a host of vital biochemical functions on a daily basis. Know 10 early signs of liver damage

The importance of promoting liver health through conscientious lifestyle choices should not be overlooked. (Image: Freepik)

New Delhi: Liver problems develop quietly without obvious signs in the early stages, but the disease is largely preventable through lifestyle changes. Dr. Jasmin Surana, MD Biochemistry, Consultant Biochemist, Metropolis Healthcare shared with News9“The liver stores approximately 13 percent of the body’s blood supply at any time and performs a variety of vital biochemical functions on a daily basis.”

Some signs that may indicate an unhealthy liver include:

• Fatigue and weakness: Liver damage can cause fatigue and weakness because the liver plays a crucial role in processing nutrients and generating energy. If this is affected, it will affect the body’s overall energy levels.

• Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice): This happens due to the build-up of a yellow pigment (bilirubin) when the liver cannot process it properly.

• Itchy skin: It may be caused by a buildup of bile products in the body due to liver dysfunction.

• Loss of appetite: A loss of appetite or a persistent feeling of fullness after consuming small portions may indicate liver dysfunction.

• Nausea and vomiting: Persistent nausea or vomiting can be a symptom of liver disease, especially if it occurs without any other apparent cause.

• Abdominal pain and swelling: Discomfort or swelling in the abdominal area may indicate liver problems such as inflammation, enlargement, or fluid retention.

• Unexplained weight loss: Rapid or unexpected weight loss may indicate liver disease, as it may indicate a loss of appetite or decreased nutrient absorption, both of which are associated with liver disease.

• Changes in the color of urine and stool: Changes in the color of urine (dark) and stool (pale) can be indicators of liver dysfunction, as the liver plays an important role in processing waste products.

• Swelling in the legs and ankles: It is known as edema and may result from the liver’s inability to produce enough proteins needed to regulate fluid levels in the body.

• Confusion or impaired cognitive function: Severe liver damage can lead to hepatic encephalopathy, which can cause confusion, memory problems and concentration problems.